
Thursday, December 31, 2009

An Embedded Software Primer

An Embedded Software Primer By David E. Simon

An Embedded Software Primer is a clearly written, insightful manual for engineers interested in writing embedded-system software. The example-driven approach puts you on a fast track to understanding embedded-system programming and applying what you learn to your projects. This book will give you the necessary foundation to work confidently in this field.Building on a basic knowledge of computer programming concepts, this book will help you to:Learn core principles and advanced techniques of embedded-system software.Find out what a real-time operating system (RTOS) does and how to use one effectively.Experiment with sample code and the µC/OS RTOS version1.11 (on the accompanying CD).Apply what you learn, no matter which microprocessor or RTOS you use.


An Embedded Software Primer
David E. Simon


Addison-Wesley Professional

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